
Participation in the Summer Fancy Food event – New York 21-25 June 2024 was also achieved thanks to the contribution “BANDO DI CONTRIBUTI PER LA PARTECIPAZIONE A FIERE IN ITALIA E ALL’ESTERO ANNO 2024 – Camera di commercio dell’Umbria” CUP J15I24000020003

Geofoods Srl joined European company internationalization programme “POR FESR Umbria 2014 – 2020 – 3.3.1 – Nuovi strumenti per favorire i processi di internazionalizzazione delle PMI umbre – AVVISO PUBBLICO VOUCHER PER SERVIZI CONSULENZIALI – 2018” for the project: Development of key markets in Asia.

POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse III Azione 3.7.1 – Avviso Bridge to Digital 2020.

Geofoods Srl joins european programme POR-FESR 2014-2020 Axis III Action 3.7.1 for digital development sponsored by european commission and regione Umbria.


The Geofoods srl company has been granted a contribution from the funds “POR FESR 2014 – 2020 – 3.3.1 – Public Notice of Vouchers for Consulting Services – 2020”, New tools to promote internationalization for Umbrian SMEs for the realization of the project: EXPORT TO CANADA.
Project description: Geofoods intends to continue its foreign growth in a new country with great potential such as Canada. The project is oriented to the research of new commercial partners in such market and contemporarily to the technical adaptation through the obtainment of appropriate certifications of product and quality.


Geofoods srl has joined the internationalization project through participation in international trade fairs, SIRHA – LYON 23-27/09/21 and ANUGA – COLONIA 09-13/10/21. The participation was carried out with the support of funds “POR FESR Umbria 2014-2020 – Az. 3.3.1 – Public Notice for participation Project Internationalization 2020-2021”


Geofoods joined the program POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis III Action 3.3.1: “Export promotion projects aimed at companies and their aggregated forms identified on a territorial or sectorial basis” for the implementation of the project “Umbrian Truffle of Excellence in North America.” The project intends to develop an internationalization program that enhances the quality and origin of the product not only Made in Italy but specifically “Made in Umbria” with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness and internationalization level of the company.